
Saturday, June 18, 2011

Quarter end pieces

Well the spring quarter is finished and the three week break has begun! I plan on finishing up the illustrations for Mr. Condran, there are only four and I'm excited to have a chance to illustrate something again, this whole quarter was exploring more of the 3D realm. The other piece will be finishing up the clean up work on Number Crunchers, mostly just rendering but the overall look is something the Fred Rogers Company is really pleased with now.

Other important plan is to finish up my demo reel, in september I will be graduating! Yikes and yay!

Custom rig and skinned archeoptyrx and space shuttle composite painting.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Scavengers: Post Apocolyptic robot poster

The final movie poster for the post apocolyptic robot, the four of us, Lou Rupinsky, Anthony Williams and Stephen Allen and I brought the concept to life. We agreed on the scrap scavenging piece robots.

With everyones model render I comped them together to create the movie poster. It was great to see them all together!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Robot progress

Finally got my textures from Mari into Max and Maya, it's actually pretty simple but a little tedious to make sure they link correctly especially in Maya when you have 41 patches like mine! but once it is it is so worth it!

Here are the recent renders from Mari though!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The beauty of masks- taping an area before you paint

In working on painting my robot there is a really handy feature of Mari that allows you to have a whole fill of a color texture (flat color; rust; etc) then enable it to only be seen through a mask layer that you can paint and reveal areas you want over time, it's great control and neat to see the idea chisled away.

The realism and concept slowly comes through, this is my first attempt at making something worn torn and rusted. It's quite fun!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Post Apocolyptic robot = crazy UV sprall!

Finally got my robot entirely unwrapped and packed for painting in Mari. =D

Here's the crazy UV space, there are 41 patches.

The great thing with the program is you can paint real time on the model or UV and it updates on both, it handles each shifted over UV space as it's own element/component but known as a patch in the program.

Each patch can be individually painted on without worry of altering another. Painting real time specular, specular color, bump/displacement, and many others are possible. Though I can't wait for the option to incorporate opacity maps and illumination maps as an option but they're still adding new features, only recently this past week they released 1.3v.